I finally have a chance to blog about my exciting weekend in Boston at the
Healthy Living Summit. I decided that this post will mostly be about the people that I met and I will use future posts to talk about the speakers, products, and content of the event.
My husband and I left Pittsburgh later than we had planned on Friday morning and hit a lot more traffic than we had imagined, so I didn't get to our hotel until 7:05. Luckily I usually don't take long to get ready, and the event was just next door to the hotel. So I quickly got ready, had my husband take pictures on the balcony of our room, and was off to the cocktail party at Rustic Kitchen.

There was food set out along the bar, which was refilled all night. I guess because I sat in the car the entire day I wasn't too hungry. I pulled off the cheese from some
flatbread and ate just the
flatbread, then when I got back to my room I ate a

I was a little nervous about attending the summit having never met another blogger in person. So I was very relieved that
Rose overheard me check in with
Mark and came up to me. She instantly made me feel a lot better about the night. I think that is the nature of people coming from Western Pennsylvania. Thanks again Rose, and I can't wait to see you again! I also had the chance to meet
Meghann and talk to fellow Pitt Alum
Caitlin. Also pictured here are
Anna, and Meg.

I was also happy to finally meet a woman that I have admired since the early days of her blog -
Heather. I admire
Heather for many reasons including her honesty, bravery and intelligence that are clearly reflected in her blog. I remember feeling hopeful when I first read her post about her past life at a large firm and her decision to leave that life to go back to school for teaching, because back then I was still employed at one of the largest firms and the world and was hating it! Not many people can understand the life which is a junior associate, so I am glad I had the opportunity to talk with you Heather and hope we can meet again! (By the way - I'm 5'7 and was wearing heels, which clearly wasn't a great idea).

After a super late night and long day of driving there was no way that I could make it to exercise in the morning. I did have time to get ready and grab a Starbucks before the summit began. After reading other blogs and twitter the morning of the summit, I felt guilty that other attendees could fit in a workout, but I couldn't. While I love blogging, sometimes I think I am too quick to compare myself to others and beat myself up for not being perfect.
My husband took a picture of me before I left for the summit. Sorry for this photo, because I swear it was like he was sending me off for my first day of school! I was all set with my
Greens+ bag that was full of samples and information about
Greens+ Superfood.

When I got to the Summit I first ran into a reader of blogs named Kirsten, who has a wonderful taste in clothes as does
Meghann, as they were sporting Ann Taylor Loft clothing that I own too!
I also saw
Betsy and her sister Emily sitting down for breakfast and quickly grabbed a seat with them. I had never met
Betsy, which I should have done before Boston as she is a fellow
Pittsburgher. She is talented in so many ways as is apparent on her blog, and has such a great sense of humor. If you need someone to hang out with while Joe is busy studying during his first year of law school, let me know!

I successfully passed out a ton of
Greens+ samples.

Ladies, if you have any feedback for
Greens+, please leave it in the comments or email me. I am sure Diane from
Greens+ would love to hear what you think.
Whit (as she is know to the
bloggers, but apparently not to her family and friends) was so much fun . She is a fellow Cancer with a July birthday. I found her to be one of the most outgoing people I met at the Summit and just a very enjoyable person to be around. Whit is on the left, with 2 other sweet girls -
Meghan and Amy.

Even just talking about the people I met, could go on forever! So for now I'll just say I was glad to meet people whom I felt like I had been stalking for so long.
When I got back to the hotel room, I organized all my swag, that I really can't wait to sample. Some of it has already found a way to my belly, and I'll let you know what I thought of everything that I tried in another post this week!

We left Boston to drive to NYC yesterday afternoon, because my husband works in NYC almost every Monday and Tuesday. Traffic was horrible so we didn't get into the city until almost 8pm last night.
div>This is me sporting the Healthy Living Summit shirt in Times Square. Some woman in the elevator noticed my shirt and said "Healthy Living where was that?" I was tired and didn't know what more she wanted to know, so all I said was "Boston".

I am actually working in my hotel room today on the document review project that I was hired for temporarily. Plus it is a bit too hot to be touring the city today.
I have more to share with you about the Healthy Living Summit, so stay tuned!