Because I am now at home searching for a new job, I have more time to prepare new meals.
Last night I made polenta for the first time ever. A week ago I bought a roll of polenta from an Italian market. I sliced part of the roll and covered it with a little olive oil, parsley, salt and pepper. I baked it at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes. I really enjoyed it.
With my polenta I had some baked tofu that I covered in a mixture of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce, Dijon Mustard, and Annie's Barbecue Sauce. I had some kale that needed to be used, so I started by sauteing some garlic in olive oil and added the kale, some chick peas, and tomatoes. I seasoned it with a pinch of cumin and garam masala. I really enjoyed this meal, and it was nice to be able to make something new on a weekday.
Last night I also decided to do something with some ripe bananas that were sitting on the counter. I have been wanting to try to make baked donuts ever since I saw them on Angela's website. I followed Angela's posted recipe almost exactly, although I only used 1/2 cup of brown sugar and I didn't sprinkle them with white sugar before cooking. Before cooking though I did add some chocolate jimmies.
Mine turned out a lot bigger than Angela's, and I only ended up with 7 donuts not 12! I had only one of these with some fruit for breakfast and it kept me full until lunch.
I am so happy that I have Sophie to keep me company during this transition in my life after losing my job. Here is a picture to brighten your day too!!
Aw, that sucks! I've been there myself...twice. It will all work out, just hang in there!
So sorry!
Good luck finding something soon!
Awww, I am so sorry to hear that!
Good luck and Sophie is adorable
Good luck Aimee! I know this happened for a reason and you will find something that makes you happier.
I am always here to listen. :D
I am so sorry! I am also an Amy (diff spelling lol) attorney vegetarian and I was laid off last year. It was a really hard time for me, so I can sympathize. Good luck in your job search!
Sorry to hear about the recession hitting close to home. Wishing you the best of luck in your job search!
Aw I'm sorry to hear about the lay-off. Exercise and kitchen experimentation sound like great ways to relieve some stress though :) Good luck with the job hunt! I'm sure things will turn out just great.
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you find something that you truly love.
I just found your blog. I'm going to be attending law school in the fall (not sure where yet...) Any law school advice you have I would be MORE then happy to hear!!
Oh Aimee . . . :o( I was so hoping you'd be spared.
Keep your chin up. Things always have a way of working out . . . and try (I know it's hard - but try) to enjoy some downtime for yourself.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your job. I really hope that you are able to find a newer, better position very, very soon! Best of luck with it. And Sophie is beyond cute! :-) A big "awwwwwwwww" for her!
Baked donuts! Cool!
Gosh, I am sorry about your job! Good luck with finding a new job.
Aimee! I'm behind! Good luck on the job search. You're so qualified and beautiful - but you know that already :)
Aimee - I'm so sorry to hear about the job :o( I wish you the best of luck with your search.
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