I found these goodies in the pantry:
I put the crockpot on low for 6 hours. After 6 hours is up I added some of this wonderful pasta and cooked on low for another 30-40 minutes.
We both had this soup for dinner last night, and there were 4-5 servings left over for the week. I had a serving for lunch today too!
Saturday I went to Sam's Club and found these Fiber One muffins in the freezer section.
Steve and I each tried one with a smoothie for breakfast on Sunday. I cut the frozen muffins in half and put a little bit of Smart Balance Light on each half. I then toasted them in our toaster oven for 3 minutes.
I try to stay away from prepackaged foods as much as possible, but I liked these. It does say that the topping on the muffin has some HFCS, although there is barely any topping on each muffin. A vita-muffin may be a better choice, maybe I will compare the nutritionals of the two on a later post.
I used the all purpose sauce to marinade some tofu. I then baked it at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.
I thought this All Purpose Sauce worked great and was a fast alternative to mixing my own marinade.
Saturday I went to Sam's Club and found these Fiber One muffins in the freezer section.
Finally, another product review and a give away!! Country Bob's was kind enough to send me two bottles of its All Purpose Sauce. Plus Country Bob's promised to give away some of its sauce to two of my readers!
I enjoyed my tofu over some veggie stir fry.
If you want to try Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. Leave me a comment on this post by Thursday Night at 5pm. Also if you want an extra chance to win, mention this contest on your blog and link back to this post. I will pick a winner by randomly picking a number.
I'd love to try some of that sauce!!
Great looking soup. I love stuff that can be used all week! Soup is great for that.
Also, that tofu looks yummy!
Mmmm I love tofu. Also I love vitamuffins. I would love to see how the 2 compare!
That sauce is all over the blog world and it looks fantastic!
I really love the crockpot tradition you have, it's such a great idea =]
Your tofu looks great! I'd love to try that sauce on some tofu or tempeh.
That soup looks fab!
I'd love to try some of that Country Bob's.
Your minestrone looks delish! I'm always looking for new ideas for the crockpot! I have a great one that I hardly ever use... shame on me!
I'd love to try the sauce... I'm on such a BBQ sauce kick lately (I usually get Trader Joe's brand), so this couldn't come at a better time!
I've been seeing this sauce everywhere! Would love to try it! Hopefully I'll win!! I luv ur blog by the way!
I have yet to try tofu but if I had some of that yummy looking country bobs I should would cook me up a batch!
The soup looks great. I definitely don't use my crock pot enough.
I already one the sauce, so don't count me in!!!
oooh I just found your fabulous blog and I would TOTALLY do what you did with the tofu and the sauce!!! :)
Thank you for that wonderful recipe idea. i have the same exact goods in my pantry and was wondering what to do with 'em!!!
thanks for reviewing those muffins...they look good! nice giveaway:)
First time I've checked out your blog its really cool! I'll def be reading up on it :) Have a great night!
I was going to mention vitamuffins too! Yummm!
Ps: I wanna try some Bob's! =)
Love everything about this post :) Espec the giveaway!!
i want to try this sauce
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