Breakfast: Smoothie with milk, yogurt, frozen berries, and protein powder.

Snack 1: an orange and 1/4 cup walnuts

Lunch: 1 tomato, celery, 1 hard boiled egg, and 2 hard boiled egg whites, with Dijon mustard and homemade Dijon dressing

Also with lunch I had snap peas

Snack 2: I had to travel to another county today to meet with a client, around 3:30 I stopped and bought a nonfat latte. In my last few weeks of eating clean I have learned to have plain tea, with no added artificial sweeteners. So while I used to eat sugar free vanilla lattes, I have learned from eating clean that I enjoy a latte plain. I'm not sure if caffeine is clean eating, but I'm proud to know that I can enjoy a latte without added sweetness.
With my latte I had one of the homemade protein bars that I made the last couple weeks, although when I made them this time I added fresh blueberries.

Gym time: 3 miles running on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
Dinner: For dinner I had a vegetarian sloppy joe recipe from the cookbook
FIX-IT and FORGET-IT LIGHTLY : Healthy, Low-Fat Recipes for Your Slow Cooker
. I followed the recipe from that cookbook except I omitted the onion soup mix (because this didn't seem like a clean ingredient, and in all honesty this recipe had so much flavor without it, that it isn't necessary. I'm excited to make a lot of other recipes from this cookbook in my crock pot.

I had three lightly salted rice cakes with my sloppy joe.

Around 8pm I snacked on one of these new Kashi bars. It was the perfect dessert!

I hope you all had a great Tuesday and were able to appreciate the history being made today, no matter what side of the aisle you sit on!
Fabulous smoothie!!
ohhhh...that smoothie looks delicious!! :D
I really want to try those new kashi bars! They look so good.
As does your smoothie. YUM!
Well, I know who you're rooting for during Superbowl =]
Those Kashi bars look good, I should look for some!
How was the kashi bar?
Those new bars look and smell great! One of my classmates was eating one yesterday and it made my tummy rumble!
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