Anyways, here is what happened yesterday when my throat gradually began to ache...
For breakfast I had a cup of kashi puffed rice cereal and some pb puffins with skim milk. After seeing other bloggers warm up their cereal, and after seeing a mini wheaties commercial advertising warming up your cereal, I tried it. I was so good after 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave. I added the berries after it was heated up.
This morning I opened this can of soup and put it in a tupperware container to take to work. This soup was on sale, and is really not that good. I just like some other canned lentil soups that are on the market a lot better.
I went to Rite Aid to get some throat drops and all this holiday chocolate was on sale, and some how, several packages jumped in my arms. This was one of those packages. I didn't have any all day, until I got in the car and my husband wanted some. I decided to try a piece of the Chocolate Pecan Pie and the Egg Nog. I really liked both.
For dinner we had an egg sandwich with some microwaved brown rice. I added salsa and peas to the rice. On the sandwich is a morningstar patty.
I also had some Edy's slow churned ice cream to sooth my throat. No picture, and not so much luck helping my throat.
Happy Friday. I hope to at least walk on the treadmill a little today to get my legs moving.
And go visit Heather and Mark and leave them a comment (if you didn't already), because they are donating 5 cents per comment to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Food banks are really hurting because demand has gone up, but donations have done down. My husband and I wrote a check to a foodbank last week, because we realize the need and the importance of food.
So Thanks Heather and Mark for such a noble "challenge"!!
Yes, I'm ill too :-( Hang in there and get well soon, Aimee!!
mm those chocolates look good. Sorry the throat is bothering you, I say try to rest and drink some good warm tea.
I hope you feel better! Your eats look delicious!
I'm sorry Aimee! I'm glad it's the wknd and that you can rest up.
Yay warm cereal!
Feel better sooon, Aimee!
Thank you for the link! I hope I get some comments.
Please get some rest and feel better.
Hello, I found your blog from the frontpage. If you want to enjoy the new year holiday with different culture, try visiting Surakarta Indonesia, The Spirit of Java.
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